Corrosion often happens when acidic water flows through and mixes with metal pipes. The pH imbalance of the water dissolves the copper, steel, or iron of the pipes and usually leaves stains in your tubs and sinks (blue/green staining if your pipes are copper, and red or rust-like staining if your pipes are steel or iron). If left untreated for too long, the water can work its way through the pipe entirely, creating pin hole leaks throughout your piping system. By that point, you could end up with potentially pricy water damage.
Pipes like PVC or PEX tend to have less of a reaction to corrosive water. However certain metal, water-based appliances like water heaters, dishwashers, and washing machines can still be negatively affected, even if the piping is not metal.
Pay attention to the health of your pipes and the condition of your appliances, sinks and tubs. Certain stains, scaling, and/or pipe damage could point to problems with your water's pH.
Funny Taste and Feel
Because of the dissolving nature of acidic water, buildings with metal pipes and acidic water often produce water that tastes metallic. Some even describe it as having a bitter or sour taste.
Consuming water with metal dissolved into it, especially copper, does have the potential to cause physical harm. Certain symptoms can arise after a long period of ingesting abnormal levels of copper, including stomach pains, diarrhea, gallbladder and kidney stones, and can even lead to liver damage.
The feel of acidic water is similar to the feel of hard water--there is a slippery texture to it. Much like hard water, the additional minerals in acidic water cause a barrier between the water molecules and your skin, creating a sense of something "extra" that won't wash off.
Wondering how you can resolve your acidic water?
The best way to solve the problems created by low pH water is an acid neutralizing system from Advanced Water Technology. Much like acidic water, the system also goes by different names, including a pH Adjustment system, or simply a calcite filter. The calcite media in the system works to raise the pH of your water after it comes out of the well, but before it enters your home or business. Neutralizing the water helps protect your piping system and appliances, stops stains from appearing, and offers safer water for you and your family.
If you're interested in neutralizing your pH levels and correcting the damage of acidic water, talk to our team team about your options for a calcite filter. Our process includes:
Give us a call or send us a message today and let us know about your current water quality. We'll work to get you on the right track to receiving good, high-quality water you can trust.