Advanced Water Technology
Email: sales@advancedwater

Two Ways Hard Water Can Affect Your Body

July 8, 2021

Hard water is easy to fix, but how can you know you're dealing with it?

There are several telltale signs that show you're dealing with hard water at home or at work, two of which directly affect the health and wellbeing of your body. Below is a breakdown of these issues that point to the presence of hardness in water:

Filmy feeling on skin / Dry skin

When you submerge any part of your skin under hard water, you're often left with a film-like feeling--almost as if there is a layer of soap that will not rinse away. This is a result of the hard minerals in the water. A high concentration of minerals like calcium and magnesium get in the way of the water as it's in action, preventing you from thoroughly rinsing and leaving you with traces of soap residue on the skin. This in turn often leads to dryness and irritation. Additionally any unrinsed minerals tend to absorb the skin's natural oils and moisture, drying you out even further. Those with sensitive skin or skin conditions can even find themselves in worse shape after bathing in hard water. And if that's not enough, the presence of these minerals could also throw off your skin's pH balance and result in breakouts.

The effects of hard water on skin aren't ideal, so take notice if your water leaves you with a filmy feeling or if you see an increase of skin dryness.

Dry Hair


Much like skin, your hair can dry out when exposed to hard water. The high levels of calcium and magnesium make it difficult to properly rinse out any shampoo and/or conditioner from your hair. This then leads to a buildup of unrinsed minerals and product. As a result, you can run into a number of issues with your hair, including:

  • dryness
  • dullness
  • product buildup
  • color damage (if dyed)
  • breakage
  • hair thinning
  • hair loss

It's possible to harm your hair with hard water, so pay attention to any changes in the health of your hair if you think you're showering in hard water.

What can I do about hard water at home?

If you relate to these problems and think you're dealing with hard water, your best option is to have a whole-house water softener installed. Softeners work to minimize the amount of minerals in your water, providing you with soft, better balanced water from every faucet or spigot. Once you make the switch, you'll notice a number of improvements, including positive changes to the look, feel and health of your skin and hair.

The team at Advanced Water Technology would be glad to help you consider your options for water softening treatment. Our process includes:

  • Discussing the issues you're experiencing with your water
  • Testing your water either at your home or at our office in Macon, GA
  • Installing your new custom-built softener
  • Regularly maintaining your system to help ensure proper function for years to come

Give us a call or send us a message today and let us know about your current water quality. We'll work to get you on the right track to receiving good, high-quality water you can trust.

November 30, 2021
We could kick this post off with several statements about water, answering questions like how important is water, how much water should we consume, and how beneficial is water for our health? But we won’t. It’s no secret that water is (or should be) a vital part of our day-to-day lives, and we don’t want to waste time on all the positive facts and stats you’ve heard before. Instead, we want to focus on the importance of consuming quality drinking water. Whether from the tap or from a well , the water you drink originally came from somewhere . That’s a real Captain Obvious statement, we know we know, but it’s also not something we always think about. People on tap water consume water that has been collected and treated by whatever municipality they are a part of, while those on a well are consuming water that started off as rain and has since become groundwater. So let’s take a closer look at those sources. It’s true that city water goes through a large-scale treatment process to ensure the water reaches a drinkable standard set by the EPA. Many contaminants are removed, but unfortunately not all get caught and filtered out along the way. For instance, Macon Water Authority produces water that passes the f ederal regulations for safety . However, according to a recent report by Environmental Working Group , Macon’s tap water still shows 20 detected contaminants, 12 of which exceed EWG’s health guidelines (a stricter set of standards than federal regulations). Highly treated doesn’t always mean completely contaminant free. As for groundwater, what comes up is what comes up, and what comes up is what you drink. If your area produces acidic water, you’re consuming acidic water. If you have hard water, you’re drinking hard water. You may have a filtration system on your well that treats these issues before they enter your home, and that’s great! But still, water softeners, acid neutralizers, and even iron removal systems don’t catch everything and are no match for the particle-eliminating power of a Reverse Osmosis system. Reverse Osmosis, or RO , is a point-of-use system that leaves consumers with ultra-pure drinking water. Each system filters up to 99% of the contaminants in both city water and well water, including but not limited to lead, sodium, manganese, iron, fluoride, and calcium. An RO works as a 4-stage unit with two (2) pre filters, one (1) membrane, one (1) post filter, an RO tank, faucet, tubing, and fittings. At Advanced Water Technology, we typically install ROs under the kitchen sink so consumers can enjoy safe, purified drinking water while still maintaining storage space. If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of an RO system for your home or even your business, we'll be glad to talk. Just call us or send a message and let us know you’d like some more details today.
August 16, 2021
No matter what you call it, this type of water can be a huge nuisance for anyone dealing with it. Water with low pH means it's landing on the acidic side, which can lead to a number of issues and even cause costly damage in your home or business. To help determine if you're dealing with acidic water, pay attention to the following warning signs: Corroded Pipes, Stained Sinks, Pin Holes
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